Friendships or Sinks

Week 1

Fearing God

As we start our “Friendships or Sinks” series, we are going to talk about our friendships in life and how we have the tendency to …

Week 2

How To Be a Good Friend

As friends, we are to support others and make them better through our relationships with them. This happens through our loyalty, sharpening, and sacrifice. Friendship …

Week 3

Worshipping Your Friends

This week, we learn that we are wired to worship. In fact, the approval of others often dictates how we live. What would it look …

Week 4


This week, we learn about how powerful our words are and the impact they can have in both positive and negative ways. It is important …

Week 5

Friends with the Opposite Gender

This week, we learn about the importance of having healthy relationships with the opposite gender. These relationships allow you to experience more of God and …

Week 6

Who Do You Choose to Hang Out With?

This week, we examine who we choose to hang out with. We need to be wise and discerning about who we allow to influence us, …